Cloughduv National School

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Welcome from Ms. Linehan

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to introduce myself to you as the newly appointed Principal of Cloughduv National School. With so many changes in the school this year, I realise that I have a big task ahead in taking over from the wonderful work done by the previous Principal Mrs. Clancy. I can reassure you that I will do my very best, to continue to ensure this school succeeds as the excellent school it is. I was so impressed to see the amount of sports activities, science projects, educational trips, musical performances & art activities that children participate in!

Being a part of the Cloughduv community is an honour for me, as I am originally from the neighbouring parish of Inniscarra. Now living in Rochestown, outside the city, I have recently returned to Cork, after spending the past 12 years teaching abroad. I have been lucky enough to have experienced life in Public schools in America, enjoyed working in the sunshine of the European School in Spain and finally taught as part of an International school in Copenhagen, Denmark. All those amazing experiences have shown me that Ireland has, in fact, one of the best education systems available and that our children are fortunate to have such a high level of education. Interestingly I found myself referring back to the Irish syllabus many times while abroad. I believe it is true when they say ‘
you always return to your roots’.

While I am excited to be teaching our youngest students in Cloughduv this school year, I also look forward to meeting all the families and getting to know each and every student. This will be an interesting challenge as we currently have 133 children coming to school every day!

Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions or need information:

All the best for now,

Sylvia Linehan

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