Cloughduv National School

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2017 - 2018

Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class enjoyed a great day on school tour in Rumley's Farm!

The Parent's Association organised a Sports Fun Day for all the children!

Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st Class and 2nd Class attended a hurling and camogie blitz organised by Cloughduv GAA.

The winners from each classroom of the competition to Design a Cover for our new homework journal - Molly, Matt, Adam, Alice and Grace.

Junior and Senior Infants from Ms. Linehan's room put on a performance of songs and poems they have learned this year for their parents. They had a party afterwards!

At out Assembly in June, we marked all the June birthdays as well as those occurring during July and August!

6th Class had their graduation from Cloughduv N.S. on their last day in school - Friday, 22nd June. We wish them well in their new schools in September.

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