Cloughduv National School

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Code of Behaviour

School Policies

Code of Behaviour
Cloughduv N.S. March 2018
Towards a policy for positive school behaviour and discipline

Section1: Introduction
The education process is a team process involving the school, the church, the home and the children where the success of the school depends on a high level of co-operation among the team members and the creation of a positive ethos which permeates all the activities of the school, and where all efforts are made to match the curriculum to the abilities, aptitudes and interests of the children.

Section 2: General School Policies
2.1 Attendance
1. School commences at 9:20am and concludes at 2:00pm for infants and 3:00pm for all other students.
2. Parents should be reluctant to allow their children to miss school.
3. Children should be punctual.
4. Lunch breaks take place from 11:00am to 11:10am and from 1:00pm to 1:30pm.
5. The school does not accept responsibility for children arriving before official opening time or remaining in the school or school grounds after school. The gate is opened at 9:05am and children are supervised in yard until 9:15am. The bell rings at 9:15am and all children are collected in the yard by their class teacher.
6. Pupils who need to leave the school for any reason during the school day must be collected by a parent or guardian.
7. When a pupil has been absent, a note should be brought to the class teacher upon his / her return. Alternatively, an email of explanation may be sent to the class teacher.
8. In the event of a child being sent home unexpectedly, e.g. due to illness, arrangements should be in place for somebody to look after him / her should parents/guardians be unavailable (childminder / grandparent etc.) Details re alternative minding arrangements should be supplied on the profile form provided to the school at the start of the school year.
2.2 Medical
The principal and the class teacher should be informed if your child has a medical or psychological complaint, disability, allergy or any other problem which might affect him / her at school.
2.3 Hygiene
1. Pupils should be neat and clean.
2. Special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of hair. The school should be informed should you have found it necessary to treat your child’s hair.
3. Pupils with long hair should keep it tied back during the school day.
4. The school environment should be kept clean and tidy.
2.4 Health Education
1. To cultivate good eating habits, children are encouraged to bring a healthy, nutritious lunch to school.
2. Parents should realise the importance of a good night’s sleep if the child is to be alert at school.
2.5 Homework
Refer to homework policy.
2.6 Safety
The school endeavours to provide an environment which is physically safe. Children should behave in a way which does not endanger themselves or others. Refer to Safety Statement

Section 3: Aim of the Code of Behaviour and Discipline
The aim of the code of behaviour and discipline is the creation of a positive learning environment where the individuality of each child is accommodated, while acknowledging the right of each child to education in a disruption-free environment.
So that the aim may be achieved, it is necessary that school should be a well-ordered and disciplined place, providing an environment where the child is physically safe and happy.
In the context of the classroom, the code offers a framework within which positive techniques of motivation, reward and encouragement are utilised. Many forms of positive reinforcement are used – praise, encouragement, prizes, exemption from homework, given extra responsibilities, stars, comments on written work, treats.
The use of positive expectations, where teachers insist, firmly but fairly, on honest effort and commitment from pupils and on high standards of behaviour, are also central to the code.
The code should help the child as he / she grows older, to move away from an externally imposed discipline to become self disciplined.

The Code of Behaviour and Discipline covers the following areas:
Behaviour in class
Behaviour in the playground
Behaviour in the school environment

3.1 Responsibility for Discipline
Overall responsibility for discipline within the school rests with the principal. Each teacher has responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within his / her classroom while sharing a common responsibility for good order within the school. A pupil will be referred to the principal for serious breaches of discipline and for repeated incidents of minor misbehaviour.
3.2 General Guidelines for Behaviour
All pupils are expected to:
Behave in a responsible manner towards themselves and others, showing consideration, courtesy and respect for other pupils and adults at all times.
Show respect for the property of the individual and of the school at all times.
Behave in a way which will uphold the good name of the school at all times.
3.3 Classification of Misbehaviour
Inappropriate behaviour may be classified as misdemeanour, misbehaviour, continuous misbehaviour, serious misbehaviour, repeated serious misbehaviour, gross misbehaviour.
Inappropriate misbehaviour is judged having regard to age, temperament, ability and / or other relevant factors.
3.4 Behaviour in Class
Courtesy, respect, consideration and honesty are the basis for classroom behaviour.
Pupils should respect the rights of others to learn in a secure, safe environment.
Pupils should co-operate by –
working quietly
listening to and respecting their teacher,
Listening to and respecting each other.
Pupils should make every effort to complete assigned homework. Written homework should be in a neat and presentable form.
Pupils should bring to school each day the books, copies, pens etc. necessary to do their work properly.
Pupils should bring to school on specified days P.E. gear, musical instruments, craft materials necessary to participate in these activities.
Pupils are expected to keep their classroom clean and tidy.
Each class will formulate its own set rules, taking into consideration the age, moral development and maturity of the group.
3.5 Examples of Misbehaviour in Class
Talking when specifically told not to – often, regularly, continuously
Causing disruption by speaking out of turn
Distracting other children
Not carrying out or not completing assigned work, either in school or for homework, without good reason
Verbal abuse or assault of another pupil or teacher
Intimidation and victimisation
Stealing, telling lies, littering
3.6 Behaviour in the playground
Pupils should recognise the rights of all children in the playground
Pupils should not behave in a way which endangers themselves or others
Pupils should not interfere with other children at play
Pupils should remain within the playground boundaries during breaks and should only enter the school building having received permission from the teacher on duty
Pupils are expected to line up quickly when the bell rings
Pupils should cooperate with the instructions given by the teacher on duty
Pupils are expected to keep the playground litter free
3.7 Examples of Misbehaviour in the playground
Fighting, kicking, spitting, pushing, engaging in dangerous play
Bullying, intimidation – e.g. threatening other children
Leaving the playground without the permission of the supervising teacher
Verbal abuse, Inappropriate language
3.8 Behaviour in the school environment
For reasons of safety and to minimise disruption, pupils should move around the school in an orderly manner
Pupils should show respect for school property at all times
Pupils should show respect and consideration for others using the school
3.9 Examples of Misbehaviour in the school environment
Running inside the school building or while moving between locations
Shouting, talking, thereby causing disruption
Theft, loss or misuse of school property
Graffiti, littering
Smoking, consumption of alcohol and substance use

Section 4 Sanctions
Sanctions are necessary to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour. They take account of the nature and incidence of indiscipline and, as far as possible, are relevant or related to misbehaviour.
In imposing sanctions, it is the behaviour which is unacceptable and not the individual.
Curriculum subjects such as Visual Arts, P.E. will not be withdrawn from a child except where his / her behaviour in such a class is a source of danger or disruption.
A whole class is not punished because of the behaviour of one child or of a small group, save in exceptional circumstances.
4.1 List of Possible Sanctions
The pupil is made aware that his / her behaviour is unacceptable.
Verbal reprimand from the teacher.
Temporary separation from peers, friends.
Loss of privileges.
Prescribing additional work.
Reasoning with the pupil.
Discussing the behaviour with the pupil.
Changing the seating arrangements in the class.
Incomplete homework may have to be completed.
Badly presented work may have to be redone.
A note or a comment on the child’s homework journal to be signed by parents.
If a pupil’s behaviour is a source of danger / disruption to himself or others, he / she may be removed from the activity in which he is involved.
Detention during break time
Referral to the principal
Regular report to the principal

4.2 Suspension
Where there are repeated instances of serious misbehaviour, the Chairperson of the Board of Management will be informed and the parents will be requested in writing to attend at the school to meet the Chairperson and the Principal. If the parents do not give an undertaking that the pupil will behave in an acceptable manner in the future, the pupil may have to be suspended for a temporary period. The maximum initial period of such exclusion shall be three days. A special decision of the Board of Management is necessary to authorise a further period of exclusion up to a maximum of ten school days to allow for consultation with the pupil’s parents. In exceptional circumstances, the Board of Management may authorise a further period of exclusion in order to enable the matter to be reviewed. The ultimate sanction of expulsion may be considered in an extreme case and shall only be exercised with the prior consent of the patron.

Section 5 Procedure followed when dealing with misbehaviour
The class teacher or the teacher in charge deals with the situation and imposes a sanction / sanctions.
The class teacher may consult with the Principal and / or parents of the child with a view to helping the child to overcome the difficulty.
If the problem persists, or in the case of serious misbehaviour, it may be necessary to have on-going discussions between the parents, the teacher and the principal to monitor the situation, always with the objective of helping the child.
A written record will be kept of instances of serious misbehaviour and of advice given to the child. Improvement in behaviour will also be recorded.
Pupils will be informed when instances of serious misbehaviour on their part are being recorded.
Section 6 Means of Communication between parents and teachers
Communication between the home and the school may be in the following ways:
A note in the child’s home work journal
A letter or email to the parents / teacher
Personal contact
Parent / Teacher meeting
The principal may contact the parents
The parents may contact the principal
Should a meeting be sought, parents should make an appointment with the teacher if at all possible, so as to minimise disruption to classes.
Parents can cooperate with the school by familiarising their children with the school rules, by encouraging them to abide by the rules, by visiting the school when requested to do so and by ensuring that home work is allocated due time and effort by the child. They should take full advantage of all formal and informal channels of communication made available to them.
Section 7 Conclusion
This policy has been drawn up to ensure the smooth running of the school and for the safety and protection of the children.
The contents of the policy should be explained to the pupil.
This policy was adopted by the Board of Management on
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
Chairperson, B.O.M. Principal/ Secretary to the B.O.M
Date: ________________________ Date: ____________________________
This policy will be reviewed as necessary.

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