Cloughduv National School

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2017 - 2018

We enjoyed a wonderful performance from the Army Band in our school hall. Check out our blog post with lots more photos of the event!

Our victorious Sciath na Scol football team who had a great victory in the F7 Football Final in Páirc Úi Rinn. Well done to all our panel and their coaches Mr. McElroy and Mr. Verling.

Congratulations to Wiktoria Naróg, Áine Kierse, Daragh McDonnell, Caoimhe O'Mahony and Ronan O'Callaghan who were all prize winners in the art competition organised by the Sherkin Island Marine Station. They were presented with their prizes by Ms. Linehan at our November Assembly.

Well done to all the children who donated a shoebox full of lovely gifts for the Team Hope Shoebox Collection. It is lovely to see the spirit of generosity as we approach the festive season.

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