Cloughduv National School

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Book Rental

Conditions attaching to Cloughduv N.S. Book Rental Scheme 2018 - 2019

For next year the school will buy all the copies/ notebooks that the children need. We are also going to supply a new School Homework Journal. This is included in the book rental money too. For this reason, the book rental is now compulsory.

1. Purchase of books not included in the scheme, workbooks, stationery and disposable materials will remain the responsibility of parents.

2. Entry to the scheme requires rental of
all relevant books for the particular class.

3. The scheme is compulsory for all children.

4. A discount will be given for families with 3 or more siblings.

5. Pupils receive the books (covered under the scheme) on the first day back in the new school year.

6. The text books supplied under the scheme will remain the property of the school.

7. Books supplied under the scheme may be new or second hand but will be of high standard.

8. Pupils are asked to take care of the books over the course of the year.

9. Parents are to replace lost or damaged books.

10. This is a cost saving scheme for families.
The prices are as follows:
Juniors /Seniors - 10 euro
1st and 2nd - 25 euro
3rd and 4th - 35 euro
5th and 6th - 45 euro

Your child will receive the following books under the Book Rental Scheme. With the changing curriculum, however, this list and the books in use may vary slightly and is not exhaustive.
Next year the school will buy all the copies/ notebooks that the children need. We are also going to supply a new School Homework Journal. This is included in the book rental money too.
For this reason, the book rental is now compulsory.

Junior Infants 2018 - 2019
Wonderland Readers
The Picnic
GG is Too Big
Where Can GG Sit?
Class story books – approximately 180 titles
Nightly readers – approximately 200 titles

Senior Infants 2018 – 2019
Wonderland Readers
Ella Goes to the Airport
The Wrong Car
Globby Helps Out
The Beach House
Globbys Football Match
Class Storybooks – approximately 180 titles
Nightly Readers – approximately 200 titles

1st Class 2018 – 2019
Looking after Zara
The New Suit
Dance Shoes for GG
Camper Van Fun
Class Novel
Graded Readers – 4 per week
L้igh sa Bhaile
Access to SESE materials

2nd Class 2018 – 2019
The Grumpy Teaspoon
Literacy Leap
Class Novel
Leigh sa Bhaile
Small World History, Geography & Science
Graded Readers – 4 per week

3rd Class 2018 – 2019
Bua na Cainte
Leigh sa Bhaile
Cracking Maths 3rd class
Small World History, Geography & Science
Class Novel
Nightly readers

4th Class 2018 – 2019
Leigh sa Bhaile
Abair Liom
Class Reader
Cracking Maths 4th class
Small World Geography & Science
Small World History
Grow in Love
Class Novel

5th Class 2018 – 2019
Leigh sa Bhaile
Abair Liom
Class Reader
Cracking Maths 5th class
Small World Geography & Science
Small World History
Grow in Love
Class Novels

6th Class 2018 – 2019
Leigh sa Bhaile
Abair Liom
By the North Star
Reading Zone ‘Smart Ice Cream’, 6 Class
Cracking Maths 6th Class
Small World Geography & Science
Small World History
Grow in Love
Class Novels

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