Cloughduv National School

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2015 - 2016

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Proclamation Day 2016
As part of the 1916 Centenery celebrations, Tuesday 15th March was designated as 'Proclamation Day' in schools all over the country. We had a wonderful celebration on the day, including a dramatic re-enactment of the events of Easter week 1916 by 5th & 6th Classes, a presentation on the history of the Irish flag by 3rd & 4th Classes, plenty of music and song as well as the raising of the Tricolour outside Cloughduv N.S. and the singing of 'Amhrán na bhFiann'.

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4th Class Indoor Camogie County Finals
On the 9th March 2016, the 4th class girls of Cloughduv N.S. took part in the Sciath Na Scol Chorcaí Indoor Camogie Finals 2016 in Na Piarsaigh Hall in Cork City, having won the regional heats in Cloughduv in February. The girls finished the day in 3rd position. Well done girls on a super performance!

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FAI Soccer Blitz for 6th Class Girls
The 6th Class girls from Cloughduv N.S. took part in a soccer blitz organised by the FAI and held in Carrigaline. After some great performances, the girls qualified from their group for the quarter finals but bowed out at that stage to the eventual winners!
A great first outing in this competition for Cloughduv N.S.

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World Book Day 2016
On Thursday, 3rd March , the children of Cloughduv N.S. marked World Book Day 2016 by dressing up as their favourite literary characters and sharing their favourite books with their classes.

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All Ireland Trophies Visit Cloughduv N.S.
Briege Corkery and Marie Ambrose, members of the All Ireland winning Cork Ladies teams visited the school with the Brendan Martin Cup and the O'Duffy Cup which they won at the end of the 2015 season. We were delighted to see them!

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Charity Knit for Syria
Well done to the boys and girls of 2nd and 3rd Class and their teacher Mr. McElroy who raised over €300 for Syrian refugees by hand knitting various accessories and selling them to other children in the school. Many of the children learned a new skill while helping the less fortunate.

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Dancer of the Week!
Recent recipients of the 'Dancer of the Week' award from Ms. Spillane were 1st class students, Linsey and Stephen.
Keep Dancing!

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