Cloughduv National School

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2016 - 2017

World Book Day 2nd March 2017

Some lovely photographs of 5th & 6th class on World Book Day.

Scríobh Leabhar Project

Nach deas an leabhar seo a scríobh Orla i rang a trí.

SING OUT LOUD concert in Killarney.

Many happy faces at the INEC on 9th March, as 54 pupils from 3rd to 6th class sang their hearts out during this great concert. Congratulations to all involved in making this event a very memorable occasion for our students


Success for our 4th Class Boys

Our first cup of the year was won by the 4th Class boys at the hurling blitz final on March 14th.

We are very proud of both teams for reaching the finals.

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