Cloughduv National School

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2017 - 2018

5th and 6th Classes along with their class teacher Ms. Spillane and also Ms.Purcell travelled to Star Outdoors in Kenmare on 31st May for their school tour. An action packed day of activities was enjoyed by all.

The children in 5th and 6th classes received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Buckley in Cloughduv on 23rd May.

All the children who celebrate their birthday during the month of May received their birthday certificate and sticker from Ms. Linehan at our May Assembly.

A huge congratulations to the girls on our Camogie team who won their Sciath na Scol Final in Pairc Uí Rinn on 29th May.

The junior and senior infants tried out our wonderful new picnic benches when they had a Teddy Bears Picnic on 29th May.

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