Introductory Statement
This policy is a record of the teaching and learning of Mathematics in our school.
The policy was originally formulated by the staff of Cloughduv N.S. in April 2006, following various in-service, planning days, a PDST planning meeting and much consultation. It was reviewed several times and it is now being updated to keep it in line with the requirements of Circular 56/11, our SSE PLAN and many staff changes. (January 2020)
It was informed by the Primary School Curriculum, support from the PDST, the needs of the children and the experience and expertise of the teaching staff.
Cloughduv NS has 5 mainstream class teachers, 1 fulltime S.E.T and 1 shared S.E.T.
- To put in place a structured approach regarding content and methodologies used for the teaching of Mathematics in our school.
- To harmonise and co-ordinate the efforts and strengths of pupils and teachers regarding the teaching and learning of Mathematics.
- Identify and bolster best practice mathematics teaching and learning in the school.
- To provide the pupils with necessary skills to live a full life as a child and later as an adult.
- To conform to the principles outlined in the Primary School Curriculum.
- Act as a resource for teachers and parents in planning yearly work in mathematics.
- Facilitate the induction of new staff members, as well as ease the movement of teachers between class levels, and the support setting.
The subject area of Maths has a central role in the curriculum of Cloughduv NS.
It plays a pivotal and meaningful role in preparing pupils to live a full life as an adult.
We endorse the aims of the Primary Curriculum for Mathematics.
- To develop a positive attitude towards Mathematics and an appreciation of both the practical and the aesthetic aspects.
- To develop problem-solving abilities and a facility for the application of mathematics to everyday life
- To enable the child to use mathematical language effectively and accurately.
- To enable the child to acquire an understanding of mathematical concepts and processes to his/her appropriate level of development and ability.
- To enable the child to acquire proficiency in fundamental mathematical skills and in recalling basic number facts.
Approaches and Methodologies
We endorse the teaching approaches and methodologies outlined in the Primary School Curriculum.
There is an emphasis on
- Guided discussion
- Active Learning
- Use of Concrete Materials
- Collaborative Learning
- Emphasis on the child’s use of Mathematical Language
- Mental calculations
- Developing skills of Estimation
- The Use of Computer Software to reinforce concepts
The following are the skills that we aim to develop through using the above methodologies:
- Applying and problem-solving
- Communicating and Expressing
- Integrating and Connecting
- Reasoning
- Implementing
- Understanding and Recalling
Timetabling for the Teaching of Mathematics
- Infant Classes: 3 hours 25 minutes week
- 1st – 6th: 4 hours 10 minutes minimum (in mixed classes, more time may be allocated)
Content of the Plan: Overview
1. Individual Teacher Planning
2. Classroom Organisation
3. Communication with Parents (Home/School Liaison)
4. Resources/Classroom Equipment/Concrete Materials
5. Assessment
6. Meeting Individual Needs
7. Maths Language
8. Skills Development – Skills Through Content
9. New Continuum of Support
10. Use of Calculators
11. Mental Maths
12. Maths-Rich Environment
13. Textbooks
14. Homework
15. Correcting Pupils’ Work
16. Success Criteria
17. Professional Development
1. Individual Teacher Planning
- It is the responsibility of each teacher to be thoroughly informed about the content of the Maths Curriculum for his or her class.
- Teachers will refer to the relevant pages of the curriculum statement.
1st& 2nd: p36 – 59
3rd& 4th: p60 – 83
5th& 6th: p84 – 111.
- Integration & linkage with other areas of the curriculum are encouraged.
- The CúntasMíosúil will record work done in Mathematics.
2. Classroom Organisation
- Early Mathematics Activities:Infants participate in a very structured AISTEAR programme, station teaching and use hands on manipulatives.
- Multi-Classes: Teachers who have a multiclass situation are responsible for teaching both programmes. Classroom management is organised to take this into account. In as far as possible, the same strand unit should be taught to the whole class at the same time and activities adapted accordingly. (cf Appendix 4)
- Split Classes: A class that is split may be brought back together for elements of their programme as a complete group for the teaching of that particular maths concept/ skill. This is at the discretion of the principal. Good co-operation and communication is expected between teachers of split classes.
- Mathematics Rich Environment: Charts, worksheets, number lines, displays, equipment, concrete materials, labelling etc form part of a Maths Rich environment in the classroom.
- Maths Displays/Apparatus:When space is available, there will be a Maths Station where children have access to maths equipment.
3. Communication with Parents and their involvement (Home/School Liaison)
- Parents support their children in the teaching /learning of Mathematics
- Parents are encouraged to play maths games with their children
- Teachers are to communicate with parents about the correct language and methods being used. (advisory notes as the need arises)
- Language of tables is to be written in the table book.
- Parent-Teacher Meetings are held annually
- Teachers communicate vis note/ email if need arises
4. Resources / Classroom Equipment / Concrete Materials (cf Appendix 1)
- Each classroom is well-equipped with the necessary resources for the practical teaching of Mathematics. These resources are listed at the end of this plan.
- The importance of the hands-on approach & of active learning is appreciated.
- Some resources are only needed occasionally and are shared. They are stored in the Teacher Resource Room.
5. Assessment
Assessment is a continuous, daily process. Teachers observe each child’s activity, written work, ability to answer questions and participation in discussion in class.
The following are used in the school:
- Teacher Observation
- Teacher designed tasks
- Teacher designed tests
- Assessment Tests from the programme Cracking Maths/Mental Maths Tests
- Standardised Tests: Drumcondra Primary Maths Test- Revised to be administered in May/June each year (being done since 2007)
- Screening tests: Diagnostic tests used if necessary.
6. Meeting Individual Pupil Needs
Children in each class will show a wide range of ability, attainment and learning styles.
Teachers will endeavour to be flexible in order to accommodate these individual differences, in so far as is possible. (multi-classes and split classes are already catering for different class programmes)
- Extra work with concrete material will be done with children who need it.
- The content of the curriculum may need to be adapted to suit some children’s ability.
- Some children will attend learning support for extra tuition. Regular communication between the learning support teacher and the class teacher is regarded as essential.
- Extra textbooks and workcards are available for the children who require them.
7. Maths Language (for operations, tables, fractions etc)
(Refer to Appendix 2 at the end of this plan)
Children need to be exposed to a variety of methodologies and language but the weaker pupil benefit from a single, whole school approach to computation, language, tables and problems.
Language and methodologies have been decided on by the staff and are recorded on two pages at the end of this plan. (cf Appendix 2)
When concepts are new, an agreed method and language will be used.
Language of method is communicated to parents if necessary.
8. Skills Development: Skills Through Content
Teachers include the skills of the mathematics curriculum in all lessons. The skills through content approach is adopted; this means that children will develop their skills while working on a particular content area of the curriculum. For example, children may reason how to categorise shapes while completing activities in the shape and space strand. They may then explain their reasoning to their group, developing their communicating and expressing skills.
The main skills central to learning in Maths are
- Application, problem solving and estimation
- Communicating and Expressing
- Integrating and Connecting
- Reasoning
- Implementing Understanding and Recalling
Application, Problem Solving and Estimation.
Problem solving is used as an approach to teaching at all possible opportunities. For that reason, there is no dedicated time of the week during which problems should be taught.
The focus is on real life problem solving. Problem solving should feature in daily classes and is an appropriate medium of extension for high achievers.
Teachers should refer to pgs. 35-36 of the Teacher Guidelines.
Types of Problems:
- Word problems
- Practical tasks
- Open-ended investigations
- Puzzles
- Games
- Projects
- Mathematical trails
- Class discussion
- Group discussion / co-operative group work
- Use of R.U.D.E. (Read, Underline, Draw, Estimate)
We recognise that developing good skills of estimating are essential for real-life mathematics.
The children need to be given the skills to take an existing problem and change it into an easier form so that it is easier to compute mentally and to work out an approximate answer.
It is particularly important in the Strand: Measures
Children will be taught age-appropriate strategies to develop skills in estimation.
Estimation Procedure for Number:
- Estimate first
- Write down your estimate
- Solve the problem
- Compare your estimate with the actual result.
The following strategies may be used: (cf. pg. 52-54 TG)
- Rounding strategy (nearest 10, 100, 1000)
- Front-end strategy (addition, money, fractions, decimals, whole numbers)
- Clustering strategy (numbers that add to 10/100/1000)
ii. Communicating and Expressing Strategies
The instructional framework for teaching mathematics endorses the skill of communicating and expressing which can be developed by
- Explicitly modelling and teaching mathematical vocabulary and sentence structures
- Providing regular opportunities for children to work in pairs and groups
- Asking children to explain and justify their answer
- Probing children’s answers and encouraging them to elaborate
- Eliciting more than one solution method for one problem/question and creating a safe environment for mathematical thinking and for children to voice their solutions
- Valuing effort
- Using pupils’ explanations for lesson’s content
iii. Integrating and Connecting
(refer to pgs.46 – 59 of Teacher Guidelines)
The mathematics programme naturally integrates with most other curricular areas. Teachers must be conscious of the aims stated regarding the application of mathematics in everyday life and integrate maths concepts, language and skills whenever possible.
Mathematics is needed and used in the following areas: Science,Geography, History, Language, Music, Visual Arts, PE
Linkage is integration within the subject itself. (eg. Decimals, money)
Teachers will link strand content in order to provide balance in the teaching of all the strands. The textbooks in used to support this approach.
iv. Reasoning
Children should be enabled, through active learning and guided discovery, to reason mathematically. In this way, teachers can scaffold children in forming new mathematical knowledge. Teachers will help promote mathematical reasoning by:
- Giving children the opportunity to deduce and induce approaches to mathematics, before directly teaching the strategy. Discussing problems and topics using probing questions to foster reasoning.
- Asking children to explain how they got an answer, and prompting them to fully explain their reasoning.
- Transferring known content to new contexts.
v. Implementing, Understanding and Recalling
The ability to draw on appropriate and accurate mathematical procedures and content knowledge is recognised in our school. In particular, it is recognised that some children with additional educational needs may need to rely on known procedures to work mathematically, but we are keen to ensure that it is not at the expense of conceptual understanding.
9. New Continuum of Support
The primary model of support for mathematics is in-class support and collaborative teaching. However, this does not entirely preclude withdrawal teaching from occurring, after consultation between class, support teachers and parents regarding the best way to support a child who needs additional whole school support. Particular emphasis is placed on collaborative teaching for active methodologies and Early Intervention in the infant classes. Differentiation and target setting within the classroom is the first step on the new Continuum of Support. Homework will be differentiated by content or amount.
10. Use of Calculators
Calculators are introduced in 4th Class.
The calculator will not replace learning the basic number facts.
They may be used in the following ways:
- To explore number patterns and number structure
- To discover number facts and their relationships
- To help with problem-solving
- To take some of the drudgery out of complex calculations
- To help low-achieving children experience more success in mathematics
- To help develop skills in estimation
- To check answers
11. Mental Maths
It is school policy that mental maths is a feature of daily mathematical activity.
It can be related to the strand being taught or more likely to be based on the four number operations.
Classes 1st to 6th all have a mental maths book which helps children revise and practise a combination of strands daily.
Teachers please refer to Appendix 3: PDST Ideas for the effective delivery of mental maths in whole class interactive context.
12. Maths Rich Environment
Cloughduv N.S. recognises the need to provide a maths rich environment.
- Each classroom is equipped with an IWB and concrete maths equipment.
- School building and grounds provide many opportunities for exploring mathematical concepts. (measurement, counting etc.)
- Thermostats in classrooms/corridors (integration with Science & Geography)
13. Textbooks in Use
CRACKING MATHS (Gill & MacMillan) was adopted by all classes in September 2015.
Each class teacher has the support materials which accompany this series. (Interactive textbooks, Teacher’s resource book, assessment tests etc.)
Other textbooks in use are as follows:
Junior Infants: Figure It Out (Fallons)
Senior Infants: Figure It Out
1st Class: Mental Maths (Prim-Ed)
2nd Class: Mental Maths
3rd Class Figure It Out 3 & Mental Maths
4th Class: Figure It Out 4 & Mental Maths
5th Class: Figure It Out 5 &Mental Maths
6th Class: Figure It Out 6 &Mental Maths
Teachers draw on many other textbooks & online resources, as is deemed necessary.
14. Homework
- Maths homework is given in accordance with School Homework Policy.
- Daily homework is given
- It must be reasonable and achievable and should not require teaching at home.
- It should be varied
- Concepts for homework should already be well established in classroom practice.
- Parental help can be of great assistance because of the large class numbers and the varying stages of readiness for new concepts amongst the children. However, it is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that the parent has the same methodology and language that is being used in school.
- Written consolidation of work done in class
- Learning number facts
- Learning tables
- Practical assignments
- Research
- Collecting Data
- Revision
15. Correcting Pupil’s Work
A variety of methods are used, depending on the age of the pupils.
- teacher correcting
- peer correcting
- self-correcting
16. Success Criteria
If the children are succeeding at mathematics, based on Teacher Assessment and Standardised Assessment, we will know our maths plan is making a difference to pupil learning in Cloughduv N.S.
17. Professional Development
A range of reference materials for mathematics are available in the staff resource room.
All professional development notifications and literature that are received by the school, as they relate to mathematics, are relayed to staff.
Time is made available at staff meetings to:
· Facilitate professional development from outside agencies
· Promote the sharing of professional learning internally
· Discuss progress in mathematics (as it relates to this plan)
This policy will be reviewed if the curriculum changes or when necessary to ensure optimum implementation of the Maths curriculum.
We will
- co-ordinate the progress of the plan
- encourage and accept feedback on its implementation
- ensure teachers have the resources needed to implement this plan
- ensure each teacher has a copy of this plan
Those involved in the review will be: Principal & all teachers
This review was done in March 2020
This plan was ratified by the Board of Management.