Every child is obliged to attend school each day that the school is in operation, unless there is a reasonable excuse for not doing so (e.g. illness). Under the Education Welfare Act 2000, the school is legally obliged to report children who have been absent for 20 or more school. Parents will be informed if a child is close to accumulating 20 days of absences.
It is school policy to assign homework to classes on a consistent basis. In general it may include oral and / or written tasks to practise and consolidate work done at school. Children are expected to complete homework to the best of their ability in a reasonable amount of time. Should a child for any reason fail to complete his / her homework, a note should be written to the class teacher by way of explanation. We have our own school homework journal where parents and teacher are able to communicate transparently. If your child is struggling to complete homework from the point of view of time or difficulty, you should consult with the class teacher.
Since 2019, we have been a Health Promoting School. We were awarded this for all the efforts made by children, families and staff to be healthy. As part of this, the school operates a healthy eating policy. Children are encouraged to bring a nutritious lunch to school every day. Try to ensure that lunchboxes are accessible and easy to use, especially for younger children and likewise, with the food provided.
We recommend that all children from Junior Infants to 6th class have a strong decent-sized school bag, preferably one that will stand upright and will hold their lunch and materials, including A4 sized books and folders. Children should have a bag that they can carry comfortably on their backs and one which has zips / fasteners that young children can easily manage.
Head lice are a common problem in primary schools. Please check your child’s head regularly and if you discover any “little visitors”, don’t be embarrassed to let us know. When we areaware of an outbreak we inform parents and no individual child is identified. Long hair should be tied back while children are in school.