Introductory Statement
This policy is a record of the teaching and learning of History in our school.
The policy was originally formulated by the staff of Cloughduv N.S. following various in-service, planning days, a PDST planning meeting and much consultation. It was reviewed several times and it is now being updated to keep it in line with our SSE PLAN and many staff changes. (January 2020)
It was informed by the Primary School Curriculum, support from the PDST, the needs of the children and the experience and expertise of the teaching staff.
We aim through this plan, drawn up in accordance with the history curriculum, to set out our approaches to the teaching and learning of history. It will form the basis for teachers long and short term planning. It will also inform new and temporary teachers of the approaches and methodologies used in our school.
We recognise History as an integral element of Social, Environmental and Scientific education. We recognise the distinct role History has to play in enabling the child to explore and understand the natural, human, social and cultural environments in which he/she lives. We hope that the study of history in our school will enable the child to investigate and examine critically significant events in their own immediate past, the past of their families and local communities and the histories of people in Ireland and other parts of the world. We believe that History develops an understanding of the actions, beliefs and motivations of people in the past and is fundamental to an informed appreciation of contemporary society and environments.
Vision and Aims
To enable each pupil to develop to their full potential, to equip them with the skills required to live full lives as young people and adults. It is the ethos of our school to enable each and every child to reach his/ her full potential. We are aware of the contribution SESE makes to the harmonious development of the child. We hope to create opportunities for children to experience a rounded historical education that is not exclusively focused on the transmission of a body of knowledge. We envisage the children being enabled to work as historians, which will help them to understand more fully the world in which they live, how events and personalities have shaped the home, locality and wider environments in which they exist. It is our vision that history in our school will enable children to understand the present by exploring the past before they begin to look towards the future.
We endorse the aims of the SESE History curriculum as outlined on Page 12 of the SESE History Curriculum Statement.
Curriculum Planning
1. Strands and Strand Units
Each teacher is familiar with the strands, strand units and content objectives for his/ her relevant class level and indeed for each other’s class levels. We feel this is important in order to ensure a coherent programme throughout the school.
Classes from Junior Infants to Second class will work closely together. At these levels history will be delivered through integrated themes in the context of the other SESE subjects as much as possible as well as through integration with the SPHE curriculum and other curricular areas, therefore making the learning experience more holistic and meaningful for the child.
Infant Classes:
We are aware that the content in history for the infant classes is confined to two strands
We understand that the three strands that comprise the content of the History Curriculum at this level must be covered:
3rd and 4th Classes:
We are familiar with the Strands that comprise the curriculum for Third/Fourth classes.
See our appendix with the choices we have made for 3rd and 4th classes with regard to the menu curriculum. This appendix will change from year to year due to the nature of the class group splits which change yearly.
5th and 6th Classes:
We are aware of the Strands that comprise the History Curriculum for Fifth/ Sixth classes:
We are aware of the requirements of the ‘menu curriculum’ as outlined in the Curriculum Statement regarding the number of Strand Units from each Strand that must be covered in each school year.
See our appendix with the choices we have made for 5th and 6th classes with regard to the menu curriculum. This appendix will change from year to year due to the nature of the class group splits which change yearly.
In choosing the Strand Units for 3rd to 6th classes, we are conscious of the spiral approach recommended in this curriculum, in which some aspects of the past may be explored in increasing detail at a number of levels.
We recognise that the curriculum recommends that in each year one strand unit in local history and one strand unit in national or world history is studied in more depth over a longer period and this has been taken on board in the development of our yearly plans from 3rd to 6th classes.
We understand that a strict adherence to a chronological treatment of Strand Units is not recommended in this curriculum because of the constraints this would impose on curricular planning. We are aware that the development of children’s chronological understanding can be fostered through the use of timelines and will consider using timelines at all levels.
At all class levels we will strive to ensure a balance between the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge in our teaching of history.
2. Skills and Concepts Development.
As outlined in our vision for history in our school we are not solely concerned with the transmission of a body of knowledge about the past, but also with ensuring children experience something of the way in which the historian goes about his/ her work. Each teacher is aware that the curriculum provides for the development of a growing range of historical skills and concepts. Each teacher is aware of the aspects of Working as a Historian that apply at each class level.
We are aware that the skills and concepts developed by the children as they work as historians are:
1st / 2nd :
We are aware that the following skills and concepts will be developed by the children as they are provided with opportunities to work as historians:
3rd / 4th Classes:
We are aware that children will continue to develop these skills and concepts as they work as Historians:
5th / 6th Classes:
We are aware of the skills and concepts that children in 5th and 6th classes will continue to develop through engagement with the History Curriculum and by having the opportunity to Work as Historians:
All teachers will endeavour to include a balance between the development of these skills and the acquisition of knowledge when designing their short and long term planning and when implementing it in the classroom.
3. Approaches and Methodologies
Our History Curriculum asserts that one of the keys to successful history teaching is the use of a broad range of classroom approaches and methodologies. We plan to use the key methodologies of the primary school curriculum in the teaching of History.
In addition to this we are aware of the variety of approaches and methodologies outlined as particularly suited to History and will endeavour to employ some of the following methodologies:
Story is used in History at all class levels from Junior Infants to 6th Class. Myths and Legends are included from 1st class onwards. We have quite a number of books / stories suitable for use in exploration of the History Curriculum.
Personal and family history
This methodology is an ideal starting point for exploring the past especially with our younger classes. Parents, grandparents and other family members will be encouraged to share family history with their children where this is appropriate, however, as mentioned previously we are very conscious of the sensitivities of various family circumstances and this will always be taken into account by us.
Using Artefacts
We will endeavour to use a selection of artefacts for using evidence as a methodology.
Drama and role play
Activities such as hot seating, conscience alley, and drama through story are ways in which children will empathise with people of the past and recreate human experience. These methods can be used in conjunction with stories / myths and legends explored in History.
Using pictures and photographs
We will endeavour to use historical photographs of our locality and also study a range of photos from famous collections, famous paintings, calendars and those in textbooks and resource materials.
Use of the environment
Local features and trails in the school community that can be used as a resource include an integrated trail based on our local church. Each teacher has a copy of this trail.
Oral evidence
We aim to try and make incidents and aspects of the past real for the children through the use of this methodology. Classes may experience visits from older people and children may have opportunities to interview older people as part of their homework, where appropriate.
Documentary evidence
We intend to use old newspapers, census returns, school records, roll books etc for lessons relating to local history and continuity and change among others.
Use of ICT
We will make use of suitable software programmes and the internet to enhance our teaching of History where possible.
4. Linkage and Integration
In order to make learning more meaningful for the child and to ensure the simultaneous development of historical skills and to provide for the application of these skills, teachers will explore possibilities for linkage across the History curriculum and will consider and note such opportunities in their classroom planning.
We agree with the assertion made in the Curriculum Statement pg 9 that while history makes an important and distinctive contribution to the development of the child, historical education complements the growth of the child’s geographical and scientific learning. With this in mind, we will ensure to look for opportunities whereby the elements from the history and science and geography curricula may be explore concurrently.
We are conscious not only to seek out opportunities to integrate content, but also to be mindful of opportunities for transferral and application of skills.
We also acknowledge the scope that exists to integrate history with other subject areas such as Oral Language and Literacy / Gaeilge / Maths / Visual Arts / Drama / SPHE / Religion.
5. Assessment
As in all subject areas Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning of SESE history.
We as a staff have a common understanding of its purpose and the ways in which the progress of children in history will be assessed, documented and reported.
Assessment in history will fulfil the following roles:
We recognise that assessment techniques used in history must seek to assess progress in
The assessment tools we will use will range from the informal means to the more structured approaches. Methods we will use are: Teacher observation / Teacher designed tasks and tests / Work samples e.g. finished projects and worksheets etc.
These records will inform the teacher of the progress of the child, the effectiveness of teaching methodologies employed and will also inform future planning. The assessment records will form the basis for reporting and discussing the child’s progress. This information will be relayed at Parent Teacher Meetings.
6. Children with Different Needs
As previously stated, we are cognisant of the distinct role history can play in the harmonious development of each and every child. As such we will do our best to ensure that all children have the opportunity to experience a rounded historical education.
In the same way as we endeavour to provide for individual difference in every curricular area, we will also strive to make the history curriculum accessible to as many children as possible.
In order to do this we will consider:
7. Equality of Participation and Access
Organisational Planning
8. Timetable
In keeping with the recommendations in the Primary School Curriculum, a minimum of two and quarter hours per week is devoted to SESE in infant classes and a minimum of three hours per week for classes 1st to 6th.
On occasion, time will be blocked as appropriate. This might occur when:
-using a thematic approach - working on a project
-exploring the local environment i.e. on a trail or fieldwork activity
9. Resources and ICT
We will use our own locality – buildings and features etc. as a resource.
We have attached a list of current resources in our school for use in history lessons. (c/f appendix)
We will use textbooks as a resource in our teaching of History.
We will make use of resource packs such as “Archaeology in the Classroom” to enhance the delivery of history in our school.
In relation to ICT we have some software with historical focus for use in our computers
We have DVDs/videos that can support the strand units being taught.
We have access to the internet so we can use the web as a resource.
10. Health and Safety
Teachers will consult the principal whenever it is proposed to engage children in History activities in the environment. The schools policy on out of classroom activities will be consulted and provision made for adult help suitable clothing, footwear, insurance and transport.
Before use in the classroom artefacts will be examined by the teacher and checked for potential dangers. (Refer to school’s Health & Safety Policy)
11. Individual Teachers’ Planning and Reporting
12. Staff Development
13. Parental Involvement
14. Community Links
Success Criteria
We will review this whole school plan under the following headings
Ways of assessing this plan will be:
Roles and Responsibilities The plan will be supported, developed and implemented by all staff members.
Timeframe for Implementation We intend to review this plan when necessary.
This policy will be reviewed if the curriculum changes or when necessary to ensure optimum implementation of the history curriculum.
We will
Those involved in the review will be: Principal & all teachers
This review was done in March 2020
This plan was ratified by the Board of Management
This policy is a record of the teaching and learning of History in our school.
The policy was originally formulated by the staff of Cloughduv N.S. following various in-service, planning days, a PDST planning meeting and much consultation. It was reviewed several times and it is now being updated to keep it in line with our SSE PLAN and many staff changes. (January 2020)
It was informed by the Primary School Curriculum, support from the PDST, the needs of the children and the experience and expertise of the teaching staff.
We aim through this plan, drawn up in accordance with the history curriculum, to set out our approaches to the teaching and learning of history. It will form the basis for teachers long and short term planning. It will also inform new and temporary teachers of the approaches and methodologies used in our school.
We recognise History as an integral element of Social, Environmental and Scientific education. We recognise the distinct role History has to play in enabling the child to explore and understand the natural, human, social and cultural environments in which he/she lives. We hope that the study of history in our school will enable the child to investigate and examine critically significant events in their own immediate past, the past of their families and local communities and the histories of people in Ireland and other parts of the world. We believe that History develops an understanding of the actions, beliefs and motivations of people in the past and is fundamental to an informed appreciation of contemporary society and environments.
Vision and Aims
To enable each pupil to develop to their full potential, to equip them with the skills required to live full lives as young people and adults. It is the ethos of our school to enable each and every child to reach his/ her full potential. We are aware of the contribution SESE makes to the harmonious development of the child. We hope to create opportunities for children to experience a rounded historical education that is not exclusively focused on the transmission of a body of knowledge. We envisage the children being enabled to work as historians, which will help them to understand more fully the world in which they live, how events and personalities have shaped the home, locality and wider environments in which they exist. It is our vision that history in our school will enable children to understand the present by exploring the past before they begin to look towards the future.
We endorse the aims of the SESE History curriculum as outlined on Page 12 of the SESE History Curriculum Statement.
- To develop an interest in and curiosity about the past.
- To make the child aware of the lives of women, men and children in the past and how people and events had an impact on each other.
- To develop an understanding of the concepts of change and continuity.
- To provide for the acquisition of concepts and skills associated with sequence, time and chronology, appropriate to the developmental stages of the child.
- To allow the child to encounter and use a range of historical evidence systematically and critically.
- To provide opportunities for the child to communicate historical findings and interpretations in a variety of ways.
- To foster sensitivity to the impact of conservation and change within local and wider environments.
- To help the child recognise and examine the influences of the past on the attitudes and behaviour of people today.
- To encourage children to recognise how past and present actions, events and materials may become historically significant.
- To foster a willingness to explore personal attitudes and values and to promote an openness to the possibility of changing one’s own point of view.
- Development of History Trails in the locality i.e. The Church.
- Development of age appropriate Timelines in each class.
- Participation in History project run by Kieran Mc Carthy.
- Audit of stories which will be used to enhance History.
Curriculum Planning
1. Strands and Strand Units
Each teacher is familiar with the strands, strand units and content objectives for his/ her relevant class level and indeed for each other’s class levels. We feel this is important in order to ensure a coherent programme throughout the school.
Classes from Junior Infants to Second class will work closely together. At these levels history will be delivered through integrated themes in the context of the other SESE subjects as much as possible as well as through integration with the SPHE curriculum and other curricular areas, therefore making the learning experience more holistic and meaningful for the child.
Infant Classes:
We are aware that the content in history for the infant classes is confined to two strands
- Myself & My Family
- Story
We understand that the three strands that comprise the content of the History Curriculum at this level must be covered:
- Myself and my Family
- Change and Continuity
- Story
3rd and 4th Classes:
We are familiar with the Strands that comprise the curriculum for Third/Fourth classes.
- Local studies
- Story
- Early People and ancient societies.
- Life, society, work and culture in the past.
- Continuity and change over time.
See our appendix with the choices we have made for 3rd and 4th classes with regard to the menu curriculum. This appendix will change from year to year due to the nature of the class group splits which change yearly.
5th and 6th Classes:
We are aware of the Strands that comprise the History Curriculum for Fifth/ Sixth classes:
- Local studies
- Story
- Early people and ancient societies
- Life, society, work and culture in the past
- Continuity and change over time
- Eras of change and conflict
- Politics, conflict and society
We are aware of the requirements of the ‘menu curriculum’ as outlined in the Curriculum Statement regarding the number of Strand Units from each Strand that must be covered in each school year.
See our appendix with the choices we have made for 5th and 6th classes with regard to the menu curriculum. This appendix will change from year to year due to the nature of the class group splits which change yearly.
In choosing the Strand Units for 3rd to 6th classes, we are conscious of the spiral approach recommended in this curriculum, in which some aspects of the past may be explored in increasing detail at a number of levels.
We recognise that the curriculum recommends that in each year one strand unit in local history and one strand unit in national or world history is studied in more depth over a longer period and this has been taken on board in the development of our yearly plans from 3rd to 6th classes.
We understand that a strict adherence to a chronological treatment of Strand Units is not recommended in this curriculum because of the constraints this would impose on curricular planning. We are aware that the development of children’s chronological understanding can be fostered through the use of timelines and will consider using timelines at all levels.
At all class levels we will strive to ensure a balance between the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge in our teaching of history.
2. Skills and Concepts Development.
As outlined in our vision for history in our school we are not solely concerned with the transmission of a body of knowledge about the past, but also with ensuring children experience something of the way in which the historian goes about his/ her work. Each teacher is aware that the curriculum provides for the development of a growing range of historical skills and concepts. Each teacher is aware of the aspects of Working as a Historian that apply at each class level.
We are aware that the skills and concepts developed by the children as they work as historians are:
- Time and Chronology
- Using Evidence
- Communication
1st / 2nd :
We are aware that the following skills and concepts will be developed by the children as they are provided with opportunities to work as historians:
- Time and Chronology
- Change and Continuity
- Cause and Effect
- Using Evidence
- Synthesis and Communication
- Empathy
3rd / 4th Classes:
We are aware that children will continue to develop these skills and concepts as they work as Historians:
- Time and chronology
- Change and continuity
- Cause and Effect
- Using evidence
- Synthesis and communication
- Empathy
5th / 6th Classes:
We are aware of the skills and concepts that children in 5th and 6th classes will continue to develop through engagement with the History Curriculum and by having the opportunity to Work as Historians:
- Time and chronology
- Change and continuity
- Cause and Effect
- Using evidence
- Synthesis and communication
- Empathy
All teachers will endeavour to include a balance between the development of these skills and the acquisition of knowledge when designing their short and long term planning and when implementing it in the classroom.
3. Approaches and Methodologies
Our History Curriculum asserts that one of the keys to successful history teaching is the use of a broad range of classroom approaches and methodologies. We plan to use the key methodologies of the primary school curriculum in the teaching of History.
- Active learning
- Use of the environment
- Talk and discussion
- Cooperative learning
- Problem solving
- Developing skills through content
In addition to this we are aware of the variety of approaches and methodologies outlined as particularly suited to History and will endeavour to employ some of the following methodologies:
Story is used in History at all class levels from Junior Infants to 6th Class. Myths and Legends are included from 1st class onwards. We have quite a number of books / stories suitable for use in exploration of the History Curriculum.
Personal and family history
This methodology is an ideal starting point for exploring the past especially with our younger classes. Parents, grandparents and other family members will be encouraged to share family history with their children where this is appropriate, however, as mentioned previously we are very conscious of the sensitivities of various family circumstances and this will always be taken into account by us.
Using Artefacts
We will endeavour to use a selection of artefacts for using evidence as a methodology.
Drama and role play
Activities such as hot seating, conscience alley, and drama through story are ways in which children will empathise with people of the past and recreate human experience. These methods can be used in conjunction with stories / myths and legends explored in History.
Using pictures and photographs
We will endeavour to use historical photographs of our locality and also study a range of photos from famous collections, famous paintings, calendars and those in textbooks and resource materials.
Use of the environment
Local features and trails in the school community that can be used as a resource include an integrated trail based on our local church. Each teacher has a copy of this trail.
Oral evidence
We aim to try and make incidents and aspects of the past real for the children through the use of this methodology. Classes may experience visits from older people and children may have opportunities to interview older people as part of their homework, where appropriate.
Documentary evidence
We intend to use old newspapers, census returns, school records, roll books etc for lessons relating to local history and continuity and change among others.
Use of ICT
We will make use of suitable software programmes and the internet to enhance our teaching of History where possible.
4. Linkage and Integration
In order to make learning more meaningful for the child and to ensure the simultaneous development of historical skills and to provide for the application of these skills, teachers will explore possibilities for linkage across the History curriculum and will consider and note such opportunities in their classroom planning.
We agree with the assertion made in the Curriculum Statement pg 9 that while history makes an important and distinctive contribution to the development of the child, historical education complements the growth of the child’s geographical and scientific learning. With this in mind, we will ensure to look for opportunities whereby the elements from the history and science and geography curricula may be explore concurrently.
We are conscious not only to seek out opportunities to integrate content, but also to be mindful of opportunities for transferral and application of skills.
We also acknowledge the scope that exists to integrate history with other subject areas such as Oral Language and Literacy / Gaeilge / Maths / Visual Arts / Drama / SPHE / Religion.
5. Assessment
As in all subject areas Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning of SESE history.
We as a staff have a common understanding of its purpose and the ways in which the progress of children in history will be assessed, documented and reported.
Assessment in history will fulfil the following roles:
- A diagnostic role – to identify areas of difficulty in order to respond to the needs of the child
- A summative role - to establish the outcomes of learning after completing a unit of work.
- An evaluative role – to assist teachers in assessing their own practice, methodologies, approaches and resources.
We recognise that assessment techniques used in history must seek to assess progress in
- Children’s knowledge of the past b) Children’s ability to use historical skills
- Children’s development of attitudes
The assessment tools we will use will range from the informal means to the more structured approaches. Methods we will use are: Teacher observation / Teacher designed tasks and tests / Work samples e.g. finished projects and worksheets etc.
These records will inform the teacher of the progress of the child, the effectiveness of teaching methodologies employed and will also inform future planning. The assessment records will form the basis for reporting and discussing the child’s progress. This information will be relayed at Parent Teacher Meetings.
6. Children with Different Needs
As previously stated, we are cognisant of the distinct role history can play in the harmonious development of each and every child. As such we will do our best to ensure that all children have the opportunity to experience a rounded historical education.
In the same way as we endeavour to provide for individual difference in every curricular area, we will also strive to make the history curriculum accessible to as many children as possible.
In order to do this we will consider:
- Using a mixture of whole class teaching and focused group work
- Choosing more accessible or more demanding pieces of evidence for different children.
- Use a range of questions spanning from simple recall to the more complex and analytical
- Planning for the use of a wide range of communication skills
- The exceptional child will be encouraged to undertake additional research and record their findings in a variety of ways
- Content, methods of recording and desired learning outcomes will be differentiated for children with general learning difficulties.
7. Equality of Participation and Access
- Equal opportunity will be given to all children to experience all strands and to participate in all class activities.
- Provision for children with physical difficulties will be made so that they can access the history curriculum.
- Children whose first language is not English will be supported in accessing the history curriculum also, should the need arise.
- Our history classes will endeavour to place an emphasis on the lives of ordinary women, men and children of the past as is recommended in the curriculum.
- We will consider in our teaching of History the contribution made by women in the past as well as men.
- At all class levels we include the lives of men women and children from different social, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Organisational Planning
8. Timetable
In keeping with the recommendations in the Primary School Curriculum, a minimum of two and quarter hours per week is devoted to SESE in infant classes and a minimum of three hours per week for classes 1st to 6th.
On occasion, time will be blocked as appropriate. This might occur when:
-using a thematic approach - working on a project
-exploring the local environment i.e. on a trail or fieldwork activity
9. Resources and ICT
We will use our own locality – buildings and features etc. as a resource.
We have attached a list of current resources in our school for use in history lessons. (c/f appendix)
We will use textbooks as a resource in our teaching of History.
We will make use of resource packs such as “Archaeology in the Classroom” to enhance the delivery of history in our school.
In relation to ICT we have some software with historical focus for use in our computers
We have DVDs/videos that can support the strand units being taught.
We have access to the internet so we can use the web as a resource.
10. Health and Safety
Teachers will consult the principal whenever it is proposed to engage children in History activities in the environment. The schools policy on out of classroom activities will be consulted and provision made for adult help suitable clothing, footwear, insurance and transport.
Before use in the classroom artefacts will be examined by the teacher and checked for potential dangers. (Refer to school’s Health & Safety Policy)
11. Individual Teachers’ Planning and Reporting
- Teachers will consult this whole school plan and the curriculum documents for History when they are drawing up their long and short term plans.
- Each teacher will have a long term plan for the year drawn up.
- outlined in the documents. Each content objective within each strand unit will be covered.
- In third and fourth, fifth and sixth classes, the correct number of strand units will be covered in line with the menu curriculum. See appendix for details.
- Where it is meaningful and suitable history will be taught in a thematic way to integrate with the other SESE subjects
- Cúntas miosuíl will assist in recording work covered in evaluating progress in history and in informing future teaching
- Parents are informed of children’s progress in history at parent teacher meetings.
12. Staff Development
- Teachers will have access to reference books, resource materials and websites dealing with history
- Staff will be encouraged to try out new approaches and methodologies
- Individual teachers will be responsible for keeping resource material up to date and will purchase resources and materials when possible.
- Teachers will be encouraged to attend in service workshops and courses in history.
13. Parental Involvement
- We will encourage parents to talk to their children about their personal and family history, (where this is appropriate) this may also involve sourcing family photographs, lending artefacts for display and taking children to see historic places.
- Parents and grandparents may be invited to come into the school to share their historical experiences with the children
14. Community Links
- People in the local community who have an interest and a knowledge in its history may be invited to speak with the children, when possible.
- The mobile library and libraries and nearby towns will be a source of historical knowledge for the children i.e. books, documentary evidence, maps etc.
- The work of some national agencies relates to aspects of the history programme and we will consider visits by speakers from relevant organisations.
- Children may be brought on visits to different places of local interest as they progress through the primary school.
Success Criteria
We will review this whole school plan under the following headings
- Are individual teachers preparing planning and teaching according to this plan?
Are we using a variety of methodologies?
- How are the children’s historical skills progressing?
- How well is historical knowledge being learned by the children?
- Are we adhering to the menu curriculum in history as outlined in this plan?
- Are we assessing our history as outlined in the plan?
- Have we acquired the resources we needed?
Ways of assessing this plan will be:
- Revisiting the plan as a staff
- Teacher feedback / Parental feedback / Children’s feedback
- Inspectors reports and suggestions
Roles and Responsibilities The plan will be supported, developed and implemented by all staff members.
Timeframe for Implementation We intend to review this plan when necessary.
This policy will be reviewed if the curriculum changes or when necessary to ensure optimum implementation of the history curriculum.
We will
- co-ordinate the progress of the plan
- encourage and accept feedback on its implementation
- ensure teachers have the resources needed to implement this plan
- ensure each teacher has a copy of this plan
Those involved in the review will be: Principal & all teachers
This review was done in March 2020
This plan was ratified by the Board of Management